Nancy Fox, Ed.D recognized author of “No Ticks Please” (2011) and Hide-and-Seek: No Ticks, Please is a National Board Certified Teacher, Life Strategist, and Speaker. She is a member of the Baltimore/Washington Power Team and Lions Club International. She is the founder and President of Red Tale Fox Enterprises. Dr. Fox has been a radio guest for Everyday Wisdom for Families, The Ed Tyll Show, WCTR, WNAV, and Total Education Network. She has been a featured speaker at schools, Lyme disease Support groups and conferences.
“As a young girl, I have had the desire and opportunity to write and speak to numerous audiences. In 2003, my father and I were diagnosed with Lyme disease and Babesia. Realizing the impact Lyme disease is having on children, I decided I must educate children through writing children’s books and speaking to children about safety.”
About Dr. Nancy Fox

Children ages 5-14 are at great risk for acquiring a tick-borne disease infection. Dr. Nancy Fox’s well-written and beautifully illustrated “No Ticks, Please|No Garrapatas, Por Favor” is an excellent source of information on how young people can protect themselves from a tick-borne disease. Utilizing both an English and Spanish version, this book appeals to a broad and diverse demographic. “No Ticks, Please,” along with Dr. Fox’s informative tick-borne disease curriculum, needs to be included in every school system across the country. Education is always a child’s best defense again Lyme and tick-borne disease.
Monte Skall, Executive Director, National Capital Lyme Disease Association
“No Ticks Please” is a valuable tool to help prevent Lyme disease. Children ages 5-9 are at the highest risk of acquiring Lyme disease, yet there are few tools for parents and schools to use with younger children. In this book, simple messages combined with colorful, attention-getting illustrations will keep the children’s interest and do provide a non threatening platform for further discussion of how to avoid tick bites and tick-borne diseases─a must for every primary library.”
Pat Smith, President, Lyme Disease Association, Inc
“Dr. Fox, I just wanted to say thank-you again for coming in to speak with the AmeriCorps team on Tuesday. It was especially valuable for this group because they are from so many parts of the country where there is lower awareness about ticks, but they will be in such tick-filled country as Maryland's Eastern Shore and Connecticut!”
Jaime Belanger